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Hoya 'Krohniana Super Silver' - 4" Nursery Pot

Hoya 'Krohniana Super Silver' - 4" Nursery Pot

Regular price $37.50 USD
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Botanical Name:

Hoya krohniana 'Super Silver'

Common Names:

Super Silver Hoya
Silver Hoya

Description: Hoya 'Krohniana Super Silver' is a rare and stunning variety of Hoya known for its unique silver-gray heart-shaped leaves. Each leaf has an almost metallic sheen, giving it a silvery, shimmering appearance that makes this plant highly prized among collectors. The leaves are small, thick, and grow densely along the plant’s vines, which can trail or climb depending on how it is styled. Like many other Hoyas, 'Super Silver' can produce small, fragrant, star-shaped flowers, although its foliage is the main attraction. This plant is a perfect addition for those looking to bring some understated elegance to their indoor plant collection.

Care Instructions:

Light: Hoya 'Krohniana Super Silver' thrives in bright, indirect light. While it can tolerate lower light levels, bright light helps maintain its silvery leaf color. Avoid direct sunlight, as it can scorch the leaves.

Water: Allow the top inch or two of soil to dry out between waterings. This Hoya prefers a well-drained soil mix and is sensitive to overwatering, so be sure not to let the plant sit in soggy soil. Water less frequently during the winter months.

Humidity: This plant enjoys higher humidity levels but can tolerate normal household humidity. For best results, aim for 50-70% humidity. Misting the plant or using a humidifier can help it thrive, especially in drier environments.

Temperature: Hoya 'Krohniana Super Silver' prefers temperatures between 60°F and 80°F (16°C - 27°C). Keep it away from cold drafts, as it is sensitive to temperatures below 50°F (10°C).

Soil: Use a well-draining potting mix, such as a mix for succulents or cacti, with added orchid bark or perlite to improve aeration. This prevents the plant from sitting in water, which could lead to root rot.

Fertilizer: Feed the plant with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to half strength once a month during the growing season (spring and summer). Avoid fertilizing during the fall and winter when the plant’s growth slows down.

Pruning: Prune to maintain its shape and size as necessary. Be mindful not to cut flower spurs, as this Hoya can bloom from the same spot year after year.

Styling Tips:

Hanging Basket: Place Hoya 'Krohniana Super Silver' in a hanging basket where its delicate vines can trail beautifully, showcasing its silvery leaves. This setup works well near windows with plenty of indirect light.

Trellis Climber: Train the vines to climb a small trellis for a structured, vertical display. The heart-shaped leaves will create a striking, silver-green wall of foliage as it climbs.

Shelf Decor: Let the vines trail off a high shelf or plant stand for a cascading effect. Its unique silver leaves will add texture and a metallic touch to your indoor decor.

Terrarium or Greenhouse: For those with an indoor greenhouse or terrarium, the high humidity and controlled environment will enhance the plant's growth and silver coloring.

Indoor Display: Combine with other trailing plants like String of Hearts or Hoya linearis to create a dynamic mix of textures and colors. The contrast between the silver and green hues will enhance your indoor plant collection.

Hoya 'Krohniana Super Silver' is a low-maintenance, visually striking plant that adds a touch of elegance to any space. Its heart-shaped, silver-sheened leaves make it a favorite among Hoya collectors and houseplant enthusiasts alike.

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